Small Business Opportunities
Humble Hilo, in partnership with The Humble Village, helps to provide small business opportunities to women and families in need. This much needed income is essential to buy nutritious food, medicine, and necessary living expenses.
Chicken Coops:
One of the small business opportunities that you are helping Humble Hilo to establish is providing women with the tools and resources needed to start their own chicken coops. Helping families to raise chickens not only provides them with protein-rich eggs to eat, but also helps families build a business where they can sell chickens and eggs in the local markets.
Women receive seeds and tools to start a garden, along with ongoing training on small scale agriculture and how to successfully maintain it. Helping women produce their own nutritious food improves the immediate health of their family, while also creating a sustainable and long-term solution to malnutrition and a steady income source.
Every Humble Hilo purchase puts power into deserving hands. It starts with you being given the power to select one of three humanitarian areas of need and ends in transforming that choice into power for the next generation of Guatemalans. Thank you!