“Water is life, and clean water means health."
Audrey Hepburn
When a community gets access to clean water it can change everything. It improves health, increases access to food, grows local economies, and helps kids spend more time in school.
- 1 in 10 people do not have access to clean water.
- A review of rural water sustainability in Central America found an average water project failure rate of 20-40 percent.
- The water crisis is the #1 global risk based on impact to society
We are working to change this.
With your support, Humble Hilo has been working on providing clean water systems for many families in need.
Many families are limited to unclean water in which parasites and infections like E.Coli abound in this area. The illnesses that stem from this poisonous water compound malnutrition, and many children frankly do not recover from these effects. In fact, diarrhea is the second biggest killer of children under five in Guatemala. We provide filters to these vulnerable families. When a child is admitted to our Nutrition Program, we give each family a water filter and train them how to use it and the importance of using clean water. This is done with YOUR support. Filters reduce diarrhea and other intestinal infections by more than 50%, and also save on the firewood that is used in the boiling and sanitation of water -- meaning less deforestation and fewer hours spent looking for ever-more scarce wood to burn.
We met a mother, Claudia Ico Tzalamila. Claudia is a mother of four, sadly three died of malnutrition. Contaminated water contributed to the deaths of the children in this family. Training began when Claudia was pregnant with her fourth child, and the fear was that she would not survive either. A water filter was supplied and a raised cooking fire and latrine were built. Antonia was born into a much safer home and is doing well now.

Another mother we met, Luz Choc Cuc Yalijux faced a similar crisis to Claudia. Luz had seven children, three of which died of malnutrition. The main concern with this family was the serious lack of hygiene. Animals were living in the house and waste and contamination was widespread. Several times the family rejected our visits. Now the house is kept cleaner and the animals apart. Standing water has been cleared to prevent mosquitos and the general environment is healthier for her young children.
We want to thank you for being a part of these projects. The families have benefitted greatly from these improvements in their homes and lives and only together can we make these significant changes in others lives.
Remember, everything that is purchased from a pair of sandals to a Hilo backpack helps families in need
YOU can select between any three projects: 1) choose to feed a malnourished child 2)provide a portion of a microcredit loan to a woman or 3) provide literacy classes to a woman.
Thank you for helping us make a world of a difference in the lives of so many in need.
mil gracias.