We have made wonderful progress in such a short time, but these heartbreaking reports continue to remind us the primary reason we do what we do:
This past year, World Link Partners has witnessed some of the most dire situations in the villages of Alta Verapaz and surrounding areas due to the collapse of two crops through disease: coffee and cardamom. This has forced many of the men to leave the villages in search for employment, leaving the women and children at home, alone with no food in their houses. One representative visited the home of a family where the father had passed away ; the mother had found work for 10 Quetzales a day ($1.28). The children had been left alone and hadn’t eaten in four days.
World Link Partners is using the proceeds of your purchases to support programs that help families such as these. These programs help educate women on proper nutrition and nutrition for their families. The good news is that these families and children in dire need are getting support from Humble Hilo (YOU) and other donors to help them break the cycle of poverty. Please look at some of these before and after pictures-they speak for themselves. Again, we can’t say it enough- we are so grateful for your support. We can’t wait to see what this year brings-we know it will be remarkable.